The Benefit of Utilizing Multiple Lead Generation Approaches

Let’s say your friend invites you to join on a mountain climbing trip. Your first thought is, “this sounds awesome!” Your second thought might be, “what in the world do I bring to climb a mountain?!”


Mountain Climbing Resources

Here at Dunlap Marketing, we’re not mountain climbing experts. However, we do know there are multiple resources that should be utilized to reach the peak! A rope, harness, helmet, boots, navigation, first aid, and nutrition are a few items that come to mind.

If you chose to bring just one of these along, chances are you wouldn’t make it far up the mountain. Imagine attempting to climb a mountain with just a rope! The various resources work together, helping you accomplish your goal – reaching the top of the mountain.

Lead Generation Resources

In this aspect, lead generation is quite similar to mountain climbing. Utilizing multiple resources will help maximize your results. Telemarketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, direct mail, and content marketing are all examples of lead generation techniques.

When used together, various modes of lead generation complement each other. Utilizing multiple approaches helps to broaden your reach, touching different segments of your target market. Additionally, when they overlap, your message is reinforced.

Set yourself up for success in lead generation, just like you would for mountain climbing – how could utilizing multiple lead generation approaches increase your sales numbers?

Need help getting started? Check out our FREE eBook, or contact us today. 

Kaitlin Dunlap Cuevas – 281.496.9870 x 180 –

How To Implement A Simple Plan To Sell More Business In The New Year – Utilizing Telemarketing

Originally posted on December 30, 2015 as Start The New Year Smart – Sell More Business

How do you eat an elephant? What a silly question! Adult elephants range from 6,000 – 12,000 pounds – eating all of that would be a very large (no pun intended) and daunting task. But, hypothetically speaking, if you were to eat an elephant, how would you accomplish that?

One bite at a time, of course.

By the way, how does eating an elephant have anything to do with creating a plan to sell more business?


How To Implement A Simple Plan To Sell More Business In The New Year

Generating 70+ new leads in a year might seem like an unrealistic goal, similar to eating an elephant. However, if you break it down into “one bite” increments, you will see how generating 70+ new leads is, in fact, a very obtainable goal.

To start, keep in mind the mentality behind “one bite at a time” is to keep the task at hand, in this case, generating 70+ qualified leads in 12 months, simple and manageable. With this mind set, you will be able to see the impact this method can have on your lead generation, appointment setting efforts, and ultimately, the ability to sell more business.

Here is how you do it:

200 Start with 200 target prospect records (Don’t know how to build a prospect database? We can help with that – “Identifying Your Database for a Telemarketing Campaign”)
3 Make 3 call attempts into each record on average
8 Calling hours required each week to make 3 calls into 200 records (32 hours per month) – this is equivalent to 1.6 calling hours each business day, or 20% of your day
6 Lead opportunities identified in January (generally speaking)
100 Add 100 fresh, new prospect records (300 cumulative prospect records for the year)
+ 100 Existing/prioritized prospect records that justify continued calling (assuming that 50% of January’s 200 do not warrant additional calls this month)
= 200 Total February prospect records
3 Call attempts into each record on average
8 Calling hours required each week (1.6 hours per day)
6 Lead opportunities identified in February
12 Cumulative lead opportunities identified YTD
100 Add 100 fresh, new prospect records (400 cumulative prospect records)
+ 100 Existing/prioritized prospect records that justify continued calling (assuming that 50% of February’s 200 do not warrant additional calls this month)
= 200 Total March prospect records
3 Call attempts into each record on average
8 Calling hours required each week (1.6 hours per day)
6 Lead opportunities identified in March
18 Cumulative lead opportunities identified YTD

Do you get the gist? …We thought so. If you continue this discipline for April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November, your December will look like this:

100 Add 100 fresh, new prospect records added (1,300 cumulative prospect records)
+ 100 Existing/prioritized prospect records that justify continued calling (assuming that 50% of November’s 200 do not warrant additional calls this month)
= 200 Total December prospect records
3 Call attempts into each record on average
8 Calling hours required each week (1.6 hours per day)
6 Lead opportunities identified in December
72 Cumulative lead opportunities identified YTD

In conclulsion

There you have it, the results of a disciplined approach to the new year– 72 leads in 12 months and now you are a sales pro! As with any lead generation project, some of these will not work out, but the game of numbers tells us a good amount will convert into proposals, then become new customers for you. Additionally, you will have developed a great database (pipeline) of future opportunities.

Lead generation and appointment setting isn’t as bad as you might have thought. By the way, how did that elephant taste?

Kaitlin Dunlap Cuevas – – 281.496.9870 x180

Holy cow! We love making our customers happy!

happy cow

There’s nothing like starting off the day with a smile. Nothing makes us smile more than happy customers – check out this sequence of events that happened during a project with the goal of setting up appointments.

We picked up 2 appointments yesterday – great stuff! But, is there a way to pick up the speed? Is it possible to get 8 Corporate appointments today?


After receiving this request to ramp up, Dunlap arranged to train a few more experienced staff members on the project and get them working on it ASAP. At the end of the day, this message came in from our client:

Home run today! Looks like your team captured 8 appointments that will be followed up on tomorrow. Fantastic! Can we do two more similar days for Corporate and then move to 5 other target locations?


And then the next morning, we woke up to find this in our inbox:

Do we have any additional capacity available within Dunlap? I’d love to see 20 Corporate appointments today. Then once we capture that, let’s shift focus to the 5 other locations. I want to push as hard as we possibly can and capture 28 appointments in each of the target locations.


Holy cow! We love making our customers happy! It definitely puts a big smile on our faces!

 Holy cow! We love making our customers happy!

Interested in learning more about how Dunlap Marketing’s lead generation, appointment setting, and other telemarketing services can put a smile on your face? Call us today – 281.496.9870 ext. 140.

Quick Blitz Utilizing Telemarketing

Telemarketing, Prospecting, and a Smart Business Trip

When was the last time you had a spur of the moment thought that required immediate implementation, otherwise the thought was useless? In today’s business climate, this scenario happens more and more frequently. Dunlap Marketing has the ability to execute large, quick blitz projects with immediacy.

Quick Blitz Case Study

Late Monday, Dunlap received a very specific appointment setting request from a Regional Sales Manager of one of our largest customers.

I’ll be in the Seattle market this week. If you guys have anything for me in this area, or anything you’re working on there, please let me know. It will be great to fill my free time making sales calls if you can set some up for me.


On Tuesday morning, Mike, owner of Dunlap Marketing, replied, confirming action. With the size of this customer’s database, Dunlap Marketing quickly turned on this targeted blitz project. The beauty of blitz call campaigns is being able to touch a large quantity of prospect opportunities in a short period of time.

We can zero in on the Seattle and Bellevue areas for a couple days in hopes of setting appointments for you this week.  Realistically, calls today and tomorrow will probably yield events for Thursday or Friday. Does this work for you? – Mike

The Quick Blitz Process

The setup and programming moved swiftly. On Tuesday morning, after action was confirmed by the client, Dunlap set filters inside our CRM that allowed our staff to only make calls in the specific markets around Seattle. Next, a call script / message was developed and a few key staff members were trained. Within a few hours, calls were going live.

Not only were calls being made, but appointments were being set.

By the end of Tuesday, Dunlap had scheduled appointments for the Regional Sales Manager and sent them off to him. The efficiency of our internal telephony systems and staff members trained on blitz projects were vital in the success of this request.

We just secured a 9:00 AM PT phone appointment for you to talk to a Seattle prospect about scheduling a face-to-face appointment while you’re there. Details to follow. – Kaitlin 


With the additional appointments scheduled, the Regional Sales Manager maximized his time in Seattle and spoke with more target prospects. On Friday afternoon, we received the following email from the Regional Sales Manager:

Thanks for the great leads this week. I spoke to the appointment prospect and there is a good opportunity with them. Please tell your team thank you for their quick response for me this week.


One of the many benefits of telemarketing as an appointment setting and/or lead generation tool is the ability to quickly direct your efforts to a very specific market. In instances like this, timing is everything!